This game came with Mugals in India. Kusti word comes from Kust means west and hands twisted to wert. which is mean Kusti and forward it became famous as Kusti.
In India Kusti became more popular in two places. In ferther day's kolhapur became the home of Kusti. Patiyala's Maharaj Rajvendra singh and Kolhapur's Rajshree Shahu Maharaj kusti became popular because of this two Maharaj's
Shahu Maharaj love with Kusti

When Maharaj went from education in dharvad he was also followed by the kusti players. not only this but when he went to forgen they were also with them.
The Great Gama
In 55 years, He was not defeated by any one. Till know this game has created lots of great star. In this list 1st name was Gama wrestler. He is famous by great Gama. He was the wrestler from Shahu Maharaj's Talim after devedision of India and Pakistan. He went to Pakistan.
Khasbag Maidan
In 1902 when he went to Europe. He thought that we should build Khasbag Maidan. When he went to rome the verited to Olympia stadium. In his frount his favourite player krushna mardane appared. In that stadium at a time 90,000 peoples can sit.The last person can also see the game on the ground. When Maharaj came from forgen the elected khasbag as his dream ground.
The designe was arcated by Maharaj it self. 1907 was the begning of building and 50,000 peoples can sit at a time. In 1915 the groud was resdy to play.
Khashaba Jadhav

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